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M moose

Hitchhiker's Guide:
Stable (0.F-3) - [ moose ]
Experimental - [ moose ]

Hit Points 120
Species mammal
Default Faction herbivore
Size cow sized
Weight 120.00 kg
Material flesh
Phase flesh
Speed 200
Melee Sk 6
Damage 3d4 bash + 0 cut
Dodge Sk 1
Bash Armor 4
Cut Armor 1
Special Ab EAT_CROP
SA Cooldown 60 turns
Aggressiveness -15
Morale 80
Difficulty 1
Vision 40
Night Vision 7
 The Eastern moose, the largest living species of deer. The bulls are quite ill-tempered, especially in the rutting season. 

This creature is a cow sized mammal. It's a competent fighter with very high hit points. It's way faster then you, quite clumsy, has low armor against bashing weapons and low armor against cutting ones (that includes bullets). Its special ability allows it to nothing, every 60 turns.

It has high morale and it's mostly peaceful. Being a mammal, it's afraid of being hurt, nearby fires, nearby monsters of the same type dying, and can be angered by nothing in particular. It can also be angered by being hurt, when the player gets within a few tiles. Its anger is reduced by when the player looks hurt. It's also afraid of loud noises.

It can see, can hear noises, is able to smell characters, is considered an animal (it's affected by animal empathy), walks around some dangerous terrain and traps, is warm blooded (it appears in infrared), its attacks can make you bleed, attacks any creature in its way, and nothing else.

Being made of flesh, it's vulnerable to nothing in particular.

Produces manure, every 8 days.
When it dies, nothing unusual happens.

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Moose are highly dangerous animals that move incredibly fast, have a large amount of health, and are frighteningly dexterous. Their melee attack is only moderately damaging, but when combined with its other stats, is quite adequate to rapidly kill lower level survivors.

Early characters should avoid moose until developing moderate combat skills, good armour, a good weapon, and having ready access to obstacles to reduce its effectiveness. It is not unheard of to witness these majestic creatures striding fearlessly into a horde of zombies, only to come out victorious with mere moderate injuries.

How to kill moose

Moose are vulnerable to ranged weapons, (1 cut armour) however it is hard to get enough shots to kill a moose before it reaches you and forces you to fight in melee combat. Powerful firearms should be enough, and explosives are not out of the question if you're not ready to fight moose in melee combat yet. But most of the time the noise from those weapons will attract many zombies, so it's up to you to decide: zombies or a moose?

Fighting a moose in melee combat is a dangerous proposition. If you are too wounded, you will not be able to flee because the moose has MUCH more speed than you, which makes fighting a moose in melee combat an irreversible decision, at least until you kill it, hurt it enough to make the moose run away, or find it a zombie horde to tear to shreds. However, like all things, moose can actually become beneficial! It is a source of food, fat, pelts, and bones rather than a deadly enemy, if you manage to get yourself into a state where you can kill moose before they kill you, and get enough armour to completely negate moose's attack. You would preferably get a heavy-duty weapon like wood axe, sledge hammer, knife spear, broadsword, etc, and reinforced clothing. (mostly on the torso and head, if they run out of hp, you're dead)

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