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WARNING: This page may contain spoilers and ruin the joy of adventure.
Remember, it is not 'dying' it is 'learning how to do better next time'!

Spiders. Big spiders. Small spiders. Bad spiders.

Be particularly cautious with their poison. While it might not kill you, it will debilitate you enough to become an easy picking for the spider or other creatures.

There are a few more spider monsters not listed here. But most of them are small vermin.

Name HP Spec Size Mat Spd MS Dmg DS BP CP SA M A Flags
s giant black widow 60 spiderdog sized iflesh 90 6 1d6 bash + 2 cut 2 2 4 100 -10 SEES, SMELLS, HEARS, BADVENOM, WEBWALK, CHITIN, CLIMBS
c giant black widow spiderling 30 spiderdog sized iflesh 90 4 1d3 bash + 2 cut 1 2 4 100 -10 SEES, SMELLS, HEARS, VENOM, WEBWALK, CHITIN, CLIMBS
s giant cellar spider 45 spiderdog sized iflesh 150 6 1d8 bash + 4 cut 7 1 2 100 -10 SEES, SMELLS, HEARS, VENOM, WEBWALK, CHITIN, CLIMBS, HARDTOSHOOT, PUSH_MON
s giant jumping spider 30 spiderdog sized iflesh 100 5 1d1 bash + 4 cut 8 0 3 leap 80 -20 SEES, SMELLS, HEARS, VENOM, HIT_AND_RUN, CHITIN, CLIMBS
s giant trapdoor spider 70 spiderhuman sized iflesh 110 6 1d1 bash + 8 cut 2 4 8 100 60 SEES, SMELLS, HEARS, VENOM, GRABS, CAN_DIG, WEBWALK, CHITIN, FAT, CLIMBS
s giant web spider 40 spiderhuman sized iflesh 110 4 1d6 bash + 6 cut 2 2 6 100 20 SEES, SMELLS, HEARS, VENOM, WEBWALK, CHITIN, CLIMBS
s giant wolf spider 40 spiderhuman sized iflesh 150 5 1d8 bash + 8 cut 4 4 8 100 20 SEES, SMELLS, HEARS, VENOM, CHITIN, FAT, CLIMBS
c immature giant cellar spider 23 spidersquirrel sized iflesh 150 5 1d3 bash + 2 cut 6 1 2 100 -10 SEES, SMELLS, HEARS, WEBWALK, CHITIN, CLIMBS, HARDTOSHOOT
c immature giant web spider 20 spiderdog sized iflesh 40 1 1d3 bash + 6 cut 1 2 6 100 20 SEES, SMELLS, HEARS, WEBWALK, STUMBLES, CHITIN, CLIMBS