Heavy power armor

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[ heavy power armor
Materials hard steel / steel
Encumbrance 5
Volume 50 L or 52.83 qt or 200 c
Weight 2 kg or 37.498 lbs
Warmth 60
Storage 16
Coverage 100%
Covers torso, arms, hands, legs, feet
Bash Protect 144
Cut Protect 198
Envir Protect 16
Acid Protect 19
Price 150 $
As a Weapon
Bash Dmg 1
Cut Dmg 0
To Hit 1
 A suit of DoubleTech Power Armor, Mk. II-H. This model offers several improvements over the Mk. I, most notably the its environmental protection. 

This is an extremely heavy clothing item made of hard steel and steel, which covers 100% of your torso, arms, hands, legs and feet, and which has some storage capacity. It is extremely bulky, encumbers you a bit, and will keep the areas it covers very warm. Its warmth can also protect you from getting wet.

It offers insane protection against bashing attacks and insane protection against cutting ones (that includes bullets), while offering excellent protection from environmental hazards.

It dramatically reduces your chances of getting wet.

This clothing item can not be repaired, fitted nor reinforced.


This article of clothing is waterproof.