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A turn is the main time division used by the game engine to organize and process actions performed by creatures, objects, fields, etc.

  • A turn in 0.D (Danny) always lasts six seconds. Or, in other words, ten turns are equal to one minute.
  • In 0.E (Ellison) turn lasts one second. This means one minute is 60 turns.
  • Transition from 6 second turns in 0.D (Danny) to 1 second turns in 0.E (Ellison) is mostly seen in faster movement per tile. Other turn based mechanic either self-adjusted or were manualy adjusted in the development process.

The amount of actions a creature (including the player's character) can perform in a turn is based on the available move points for that creature in that turn.

At the start of each turn:

  1. Events are processed
  2. Missions are processed
  3. Time display is processed if you don't have a watch
  4. Check the player for overdose, hunger, thirst, fatigue, healing mutations, pain and radiation levels
  5. Autosaves if appropriate
  6. Checks if the inconspicuous trait kicks in
  7. Corpses are checked for deletion
  8. Player performs actions
  9. The player scent is updated
  10. Vehicle moves
  11. Fields are processed
  12. Active items (such as active flashlights) are processed
  13. Creatures move (unfriendly act first)
  14. Body temperature is updated
  15. Skill rust is checked
  16. Morale is updated