"The existence of substances known as "XE037d" and "XE037b" are purported to be elaborate hoaxes. The source of these fabricated claims is a well-informed ham radio operator who goes by the handle "Soyweiser." The motivation is unknown and of real concern; the fictitious rumors were consistent with and informed by highly classified information. The operator is thought to be or have contact with an insider who: a) has a superior degree of access to sensitive classified information, and b) determined to distribute sophisticated disinformation." - This is all made up nonsense written by me ad lib, unilaterally, and for my own amusement. Somewhere on the internet I found CDDA writing mentioning XE037d and XE037b, but could not connect them with anything canon, so, since I had already wasted a bunch of time on it, decided to concoct this report. --Jerimee (talk) 19:40, 27 August 2020 (MDT)