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brainstormed up a new cheating page and integrated the debug menu info there. i think we can remove it and the scentmap info from here now -- 06:46, 27 March 2013 (PDT)

Section 3.2.2 Dividing Stacks does not need step #2, and could be retitled to "Dropping Partial Stacks" to make it less ambiguous. -- GalenEvil

Seems the "Remove wielded item" section is outdated.

Unwielding an item as described doesn't seem to work for me. Tried a number of times. Instead you seem to need to simply press the button of the wielded item after pressing "w". As I've only played the game for a couple hours I'm hesitant to edit. Might later if I remember.

Can anyone help me align that bit at the bottom letting people know how to reload turrets?

It looks janky at the moment; sorry I don't know precisely how to fix it but it took me way too long to figure out how to reload mounted turrets so it'd be really useful to have that documented here. :)

Updating the controls

Everything's pretty out of date here, will slowly see what I can do about updating it all