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Your skill in wilderness survival. This helps you butcher meat from a corpse and craft various basic survival items. Also used for skinning corpses to acquire pelts. For a more efficient butchering you'll need this skill at level 3, dexterity at 8 and strength at 4 or higher.

Apart from reading books on the subject, you can easily raise this skill by butchering corpses (including those of zombies), examining undergrowth, crafting stone hammers and, later, digging sticks and snare triggers.

  • At level 3, it can detect if a food item is poisoned. "On closer inspection, this appears to be poisonous."
  • At level 5, it can detect if food items contain hallucinogenics. "On closer inspection, this appears to be hallucinogenic."

Getting bionics from corpses

The survival skill used to help with getting bionics from butchering certain types of zombies. However, as of 0.D (Danny), bionics are now obtained by dissecting instead of butchering, and dissecting depends on the first aid skill, and a tool with fine cutting (scalpels for example).