Shooter's earmuffs

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; Shooter's earmuffs

Hitchhiker's Guide:
Stable (0.F-3) - [ Shooter's earmuffs ]
Experimental - [ Shooter's earmuffs ]

Materials plastic
Encumbrance 5
Volume 1.00 L or 1.06 qt or 4 c
Weight 28 g or 0.062 lbs
Warmth 5
Storage 0
Coverage 10%
Covers head
Bash Protect 0
Cut Protect 0
Envir Protect 0
Acid Protect 27
Price 24.5 $
As a Weapon
Bash Dmg 0
Cut Dmg 0
To Hit 0
 A pair of earmuffs favored by shooters. The earmuffs are turned on. They will block sounds over a certain decibel amount, assuming it is charged with batteries. 

This is a very light clothing item made of plastic, which covers 10% of your head, and which has no storage capacity. It barely occupies any space, encumbers you a bit, and will keep the areas it covers barely warm.

It offers no protection against bashing attacks and no protection against cutting ones (that includes bullets), while offering no protection from environmental hazards.

It can always be worn no matter the encumbrance, mutations, bionics, etc, this item can be strapped onto you, this item can be strapped onto you, This piece of clothing won't hinder special attacks that involve mutated anatomy, reduces sound to safe levels.

This clothing item can be repaired, fitted (if appropriate) and reinforced via the mechanics skill, by using a soldering iron and plastic chunks.


Can be attached with an UPS conversion mod, to run on power form UPS.

Will block loud sounds, to stop deafness. You will still be able to hear normal sounds, like people talking.