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Schizophrenic SCHIZOPHRENIC Possible Starting Trait Targeted Mutation Only MEDICAL
Point cost: -3 |
"You will periodically suffer from delusions, ranging from minor effects to full visual hallucinations. Some of these effects may be controlled through the use of Thorazine." |
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- The hallucinations can manifest as monsters that are not there, visual distortions, strange sound effects, some breaking the 4th wall, and more.
- This can lead to confusement of the player, such as suddenly seeing a turret appear in a place, looking like it could shoot a player when it doesn't, zombies suddenly attacking the player unexpectedly, sometimes spawning at the right time in a building, being seen as the player opens the door, also as of 0.E Ellison, hallucinations are not effected by weapons, this can lead to wasting of ammo if the player is inexperienced with this, the main difference between real and hallucinationory monsters is that hallucinations cannot hurt or damage the player, no matter if they apparently land a successful hit.
- Can also make you shout or fall asleep randomly.
- Note that this is not meant to be the same as being schizophrenic in the real world. Just an ingame approximation of the worst case of schizophrenia.