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Mutations act much like traits, in that they give your character a variety of passive effects. Unlike traits, which can be selected upon creating a new character, most mutations can only be obtained in-game and are somewhat random. Like traits, mutations can be both beneficial and harmful to your character.

Does it hurt?

Repository of mutation graphs, PNG and SVG version

Yeah, sometimes. Mutations can be obtained by consuming some questionable products (mutagens, mutagenic serums, misshapen fetuses, arms, and legs), and romping through radioactive areas, among other methods. Any time you mutate, you have a 2/3 chance to get any type of mutation and a 1/3 chance to get a "bad" mutation, though not all "bad" mutations are truly bad ones and not all "good" mutations are equally desirable. The Robust Genetics trait improves your chances of getting a "good" mutation. For the spoiled, Robust Genetics works by changing the 1/3 chance to receive a "bad" mutation to a 1/3 chance to receive a "good" mutation.

If you end up with unwanted mutations, a purifier can purge them. It can revert up to four mutations, with the higher end being reached by heavily-mutated characters. However, not all mutations are purifiable; additionally, purifier won't remove any starting traits, positive or negative, that you selected when building your character. In addition, which mutations (normal) purifier removes are random.

Even if there is no forced "bad" mutation, chances are not equal for all traits. Mutations are split up into a dozen categories and even more trees. Trees have various requirements for the different branches and most branches are opposed to one another. The more branches are opened up, the less likely a new branch or a categorized mutation will be gained, with the game prioritizing current upgrades to everything else. Direct upgrades have the most priority, with a (5/(number of available upgrades + 5)) chance to be skipped, then mutations from a category pool, and only then does the game pick random mutations from the full list of all mutations.

Once the code determines what trait you're due to get (generally based on mutation category, either your strongest one or what you opted to use), it then starts mutating you in that direction. Since it can pick traits for which you haven't got the prerequisites, the code will then downshift and give you the most relevant trait you can obtain.

For example, if TRAIT_$LETTER needs the preceding letter (B needs A, C needs B, and so on) and the code goes for C, it'll give you C if you have B, B if you have A, and A if you don't have any of them. If you used something that gives more than one mutation in one go, there's no guarantee that the next mutation will then continue the chain. Sometimes it happens. Sometimes it doesn't—that's how mutations work!


While most mutations are passive and are thus constantly in effect or conditionally triggered, a small number manifest as active abilities and can kick in on demand; some will self-trigger by random chance. Like bionics, player-initiated use of these mutations has a use cost, and most of them add their corresponding cost(s) to your hunger, thirst or fatigue level. At certain caps, however, the action will instead be canceled (or interrupted), such that you cannot kill yourself by using your mutations. Hunger caps at 44000 stored kcal (where you start getting messages), thirst at 260 (a bit over Dehydrated), and fatigue at 400 (a bit into "Dead Tired").

To access the mutations menu, which can be used to toggle mutations or activate them, use the [ key by default.


Traits tend to provoke other mutations from the same category—your genetic and biochemical makeup is shifting.

When you mutate, the game checks your mutations and notes which category is most strongly represented. If no single category is the strongest, a completely random mutation will be chosen, thus not necessarily one of the strongest categories. The strength of a category is increased by having mutations of that category, and by having mutations that are linked to mutations of that category. A matching category is worth 8 points, halving with each link. So for example, Ugly gives 8 points towards Feline because it is a Feline mutation, and it gives an additional 4 points towards Feline because it is linked to Deformed which is also a Feline mutation. "Linked" in this case only refers to "Requires", "Additional Requirement", and "Changes Into".

Once a category is selected, you will mutate towards a random mutation in that category. A mutation that causes you to lose a mutation you already have is more likely to be chosen this way than a mutation that will simply be gained. For example, if your strongest category is Feline and you are Ugly, you are more likely to have Ugly turn into Deformed than to gain any other random Feline trait.

Once a mutation is selected, you will begin to mutate towards it. If any mutations you currently have conflict with this mutation, then one of the conflicting mutations is randomly removed. If you have no conflicting mutations, but don't have any of the prerequisites, you will begin to mutate towards a random prerequisite. If you already have a prerequisite mutation and no conflicting mutations, you gain the selected mutation immediately.

There are quite a few different categories, each providing a different type of experience when mutated into:

  • Lizard: A relatively "balanced" melee-centric mutation. Reduced dexterity and cold blood in exchange for some decent combat and utility mutations.
  • Batrachian:
  • Gastropod:
  • Rabbit:
  • Bird: Very mobile in exchange for poor health and defense. You're faster than a Olympic sprinter on PCP and have no need for things like "shelter" or "regular meals", but all it takes is a couple of good hits to kill you.
  • Fish: This should be obvious, but Fish mostly just makes you really good at swimming.
  • Beast: The opposite of Bird. Amazing in close combat, but extremely high-maintenance.
  • Feline: Basically just a catlike variant of Beast.
  • Lupine: Basically just a doglike variant of Beast.
  • Ursine: A great melee tank with hibernation mutation and not of a prey species.
  • Cattle: You're a huge, lumbering herbivore with a lot of health, a powerful natural attack and the ability to eat bushes. Plays like a less restrictive version of Plant.
  • Insect: Fairly capable melee-centric mutation. It's not as potent as Lizard or Beast, but it also has fewer drawbacks. And it comes with a few utility mutations to boot.
  • Plant: You're a slow, thorny tank that uses very little in the way of supplies. Great for turtling, not so great for raiding dungeons.
  • Slime: Chaotic. Offers both great boons (many of them situational) and catastrophic drawbacks. Comes all down to luck.
  • Troglobite: You turn into an underground nightcrawler. It has a lot of nasty side effects, like making you useless in the daytime.
  • Cephalopod: Surprisingly flexible. Adapts quickly to most situations, be that melee, swimming or stealth. If you get there, that is, which will take you a while.
  • Spider: You make webs, move fast, and have a poisonous bite.
  • Rat: Produces a durable but very high maintenance character. Requires you to look for new food constantly. "Food" becomes a very broad term, however.
  • Mouse: Shrinks you and increases your food requirements, but makes you super fast. Also removes your need to drink water.
  • Medical: Become invincible to anything but a shotgun in your face, with minimal drawbacks. Who needs doctors and bandages anyway? Mentally, you will get rather unstable however, don't let cockiness get the better of you
  • Alpha: A very "safe" category. Low risk, low reward. A next step in human 'evolution'.
  • Elf-A: A lot like Chimera, except stealth-based instead of combat-based.
  • Chimera: Super-Beast. You have pretty much every good offensive mutation, but you also have a ton of negative mutations and end up a very high-maintenance character.
  • Raptor: High speed predator. Somewhat like an assassin—goes quickly into melee, kills, and can flee fast on the first sign of danger. Not as durable as other melee mutation lines though.
  • Mycus: Play around with fungus to get this. You are now part of the fungal invasion of earth. Traitor!. Not obtainable using normal mutagens. Locks you out of other mutations.
  • Marloss: Eat Marloss Berries, Marloss Seeds, and Marloss Jelly to get this..

For a complete overview, see List of mutations.


Though most mutations are more or less surface-only (and can be reversed with purifier), they do affect you whilst they're present. If you use particularly strong doses of targeted mutagen and are already strongly involved in that category, you may permanently transcend your humanity. This is known as "crossing the threshold". Becoming post-human unlocks further mutations which offer radical alterations to your character's body and mindset. At this point, the only disadvantage to crossing a threshold is that it bars you from crossing others.

Thresholds under the hood

You can only cross a threshold with injectable serums. No matter how many gallons you drink, drinking mutagen won't do the job. (That may change later, but it's not a major priority.) In order to be eligible to obtain a threshold mutation, the character must:

  • Not have any threshold mutations (denoted by the threshold boolean set true in mutations.json, and currently all designated THRESH_$CATEGORY for clear reference/sorting)
  • Have reached third-tier mutation dreams (they occur often and are fairly specific)

At this point, you need to be injecting mutagen specific to your strongest category. If you dream of chasing rats, for instance, you're third-stage Feline. If you meet the above criteria, injecting Feline serum will have the usual effects, and then roll to see if you breach the threshold.

The roll is a straight "x in y" roll: your strength in your chosen category over your strength in ALL categories. If, to continue the example, you really wanna be a cat and use exclusively Feline mutagens, two or three injections, if you get all three mutations from each, might do the job. If you spread your mutations around and try different categories, it'll take more effort and more mutagen to breach a threshold.

Certain messages come up related to thresholds.

  • "You feel something straining deep inside you, yearning to be free" indicates that the mutation process tried to give you a post-threshold mutation, but you didn't have the threshold required. Your humanity is resisting!
  • The various headaches that can come up happen when you're particularly strong in a category and tried for a threshold, but you missed the roll. Your humanity resisted turning into a mutant creature!


Mutating can feel good. It can make you feel great... smarter... more aggressive, as if you could TAKE ON THE WORLD.

As such, they can be quite addictive. Purifier can be more addictive; serums, being concentrated, are even worse.

Please enjoy responsibly.

Sources of mutation

Here are various ways you can get mutated after character creation. Some mutations are only obtainable on character creation, these are listed on the wiki as "Not a valid random mutation" in the mutation information box. Any others can be acquired via mutations, some might require special items the marloss mutations, or special serums, for the Threshold mutations.

Targeted mutations

Not all mutations are valid mutation targets when being mutated. Some can only be chosen at character generation, and others require a specific threshold. Others cannot be randomly mutated at all, these will be listed as 'Targeted Mutation Only' on their mutation pages. This means you can only get them from mutation sources that have this mutation in their threshold list. For example, you cannot get schizophrenic from normal mutagen, but you can get it from medical mutagen.

If a mutation source can give you a mutation, then it can also give you the prerequisite mutations. For example, because medical mutagen can mutate Deadened, then it can also give you Pain Resistant, a prerequisite mutation.

As of 0.E (Ellison) there are no sources of mutation which will always give you a specific mutation. The mutations are always random, but special mutagen groups allow you higher chances of getting a mutation from a those lists of mutations. (But nothing is ever guaranteed.)


(0.G and above)

Mutating now creates a vitamin called "instability", which raises your rate of getting negative mutations. It goes down with time. With no instability, you are almost guaranteed good mutations. This also means that with too much instability, you are almost guaranteed bad mutations.

Every time you mutate, you gain a type of vitamin called "instability". This goes down over time naturally. Robust Genetics doubles the rate in which it goes down, while Genetic Downward Spiral causes it to increases over time. It has three stages of intensity:

Spent Phenotype: "Mutation has left you with a persistent mild discomfort. It seems harmless for now, but you can't predict if it'll get worse." (At this point, you can start receiving bad mutations.)

Depleted Phenotype: "There's an enervating sense of dysmorphia throughout your whole body. It waxes and wanes, but never quite goes away. Mutating this much can't be good for you…"

Bankrupt Phenotype: "You're haunted by phantom pains across your entire body now. Everything aches from an exhaustion that never seems to fade. Any further mutation right now is very unlikely to have a happy ending." (At this point, your odds of getting a bad mutation is equal to/exceeds your odds of getting a good mutation.)

See also