Isolated artisans

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^ Blacksmith's home
See Cost 5
Extras building

v Gunsmith's home
See Cost 5
Extras building

Isolated artisans is a mini-faction consisting of Jay Ruckers the gunsmith and Cody Miller the blacksmith. They live in homestead surrounded by turrets configured to attack zombies and aliens, but not other survivors.

Jay Ruckers

Jay Ruckers is a gunsmith trying to establish a new banking system with bullets as currency.

He sells bullets and ammo.

He can exchange rifle ammo for ammo of different calibers with 10% transaction fee. Valid ammo types include 5.56, 7.62, 5.45 and .300.

Cody Miller

Cody Miller is a blacksmith.

She sells fabrication-related manuals, medieval weapons and medieval armors.

She can make custom armor once their quest line is completed.

She can engineer some weird weapons.

Armor crafting

After finishing the quest Cody can make armor suits for player for merch. Most of these armors are craftable by survivors, but they require collecting components and take extremely long to craft (900+ hours). This armor is always fitted to player when it is made. There are multiple options:


  • 2mm: 100 merch, 15 body encumbrance, 10 limbs encumbrance, light protection. Example
  • 4mm: 200 merch, 20 body encumbrance, 15 limbs encumbrance, medium protection. Example
  • 6mm: 300 merch, 25 encumbrance, 20 limbs encumbrance, practically impervious to physical damage. Example


  • High steel, great protection: takes 3 weeks to make.
  • Tempered steel, exceptional protection: takes 4 weeks to make. Strictly better than previous option.
  • CBM-integrated protection: takes 5 weeks to make, same protection as above. Has built-in climate control which draws from survivor's bionic batteries. To unlock this option, Cody needs to read nomad jumpsuit blueprint, which is bought from brain-snatchers, and then receive external climate control kit and CBM interface wire kit

Engineering projects

These are unlocked after player examines papers in blacksmith's home.

  • Obrez: mace that is also a rifle. Made from any Mosin-Nagant rifle.
  • Pressin: pistol-knife hybrid.
  • Louverture: mace which can start fires.
  • Disorder: gunpowder-powered sledgehammer. Has an extra technique, sweet spot hit, which deals 2.5 more damage on crit, stuns opponents and pushes them 2 tiles away.


Find the gun

Cody wants you to go to a gun show and find a rare gun that Jay wanted to see. It was an AK of some kind with a weird name… something like CARD or CORE.

The gun in question is Kord 6P67, which can be found on one of stands of gun show. Gunshows can spawn with multiple TALON UGV mobile turrets. Liberty UGVs are relatively safe, shooting fireworks, but proper UGV are armed with rifles. They will chase after survivors and attempt to shoot them. These can kill unprotected survivor in two shots.

Find the debug software

Jay wants you to go to someone's house and get some software that they had taken home.

The USB stick is somewhere in the garage in target house. Picking this quest spawns Incandescent husk in the same garage.