Butterfly Wings

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Butterfly Wings WINGS_BUTTERFLY Targeted Mutation Only Not purifiable Threshold Mutation INSECT
Requires: Wing Stubs
Cancels: Bird Wings, Insect Wings, Bat Wings, Vines, Vine Limbs, Vine Sprouter
Point cost: -1 / Visibility: 10 / Ugliness: -2
"You have a very large and very beautiful pair of brightly-colored wings. They can't lift you, and they make balancing tricky, but they certainly catch air and attention!"

(View - Edit Notes )Notes

  • This mutation removes the ability to wear gear in the torso location.
  • Adds permanent encumbrance in the following locations: torso : 10.
  • Reduces movement cost by 10.0%.
  • Decreases dodge by 4.
  • Increases chance of lying to NPCs by 15%.
  • Increases chance of persuading NPCs to do your bidding by 5%.
  • Reduces chance of intimidating NPCs by 20%.
  • 50% to fly over pits and spiked pits
( Edit Notes )