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Autodocs are semi-autonomous surgical machines capable of performing surgery. Each autodoc consists of the machine itself, and a couch for the patient. Autodocs are the only way to install bionics if one cannot find an actual surgeon. To use the machine, you must climb into the couch, and examine the machine. You will be prompted on what to install, and given the chances of the surgery's success-see the Bionics page for more detail on installation. Each surgery requires an anesthetic kit, and you will be entirely unresponsive for a short time while the surgery takes place . Beware! Even being attacked won't wake you up from your anesthesia, so it is critical that the area around the autodoc is clear before you attempt surgery!


Autodocs may be found in hospitals in dedicated surgery areas, in labs, military bunkers or in some doctor's offices, in the back room. Additionally, due to the expense of bionics, some houses have autodocs in the basement, for those who didn't want to pay for surgery pre-cataclysm. But hey, finders keepers.