Apex Predator

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Apex Predator PRED4 Targeted Mutation Only Not purifiable Threshold Mutation BEAST URSINE CHIMERA RAPTOR
Requires: Carnivore, Bear
Additional requirement: Predator
Cancels: Pacifist
Point cost: 2
"Your mind and brain have adapted to your new place in the world: as one on top of the food chain. You can effortlessly master and maintain combat skills, but your critical thinking has atrophied further."

(View - Edit Notes )Notes

  • Modifies intelligence by -3.
  • Increases chance of intimidating NPCs by 5%.
  • Triples the amount of experience combat skills get when used. Which doesn't reduce focus. Removes guilt from killing.
  • Has a 66% chance to prevent skill rust in combat skills.
  • If it prevents skill rust, it has a one in 15600 chance of remembering your old hunts. Your heart races as you recall your most recent hunt.. Which slightly increases Stim level.
( Edit Notes )