Advanced Inventory management
This guide is up-to-date with 0.F (Frank) as of Jul 13, 2021
The Advanced Inventory management (AIM) screen (/) is a tool used to more efficiently move large amounts of items around.
Using Advanced Inventory management
Panels and choosing a focus
The AIM screen is composed of two panels: one "active" panel and one "destination" panel. The highlighted panel is the active panel, and you can change which panel is the active panel using Tab, LEFT,h,JOY_LEFT, or RIGHT,l,JOY_RIGHT. Any items you move will go from the active panel to the destination panel.
You can use the selection hotkeys below to select the area the active panel will focus on. Each panel is focused on one area, and will display all of the items in the focused area. Both panels cannot have the same focus.
Sorting and filtering
Each panel can be sorted and filtered independently of the other.
You can sort (s/S) either panel in multiple ways. If you sort the items by category, you can toggle category selection mode.
You can also filter (f/F or /) either panel. To filter items, do one or more of the following:
- Type a part of an item's name to filter it
- Separate multiple items with , (Example: back,flash,aid, ,band)
- To exclude items, place - in front (Example: -pipe,-chunk,-steel)
- Filter by category, material, quality, notes, or disassembled components (Examples: c:food,m:iron,q:hammering,n:toolshelf,d:pipe)
- To exclude categories, place - in front followed by the category (Examples: -c:food,-m:iron,-q:hammering)
The above parameters can be combined. For example:
m:wood,-alder: Filter wood items except those with "alder" in the name.
c:food,c:seeds: Filter food and seeds only.
Moving your items
Once you've found the items you want to move and selected your destination, all you have to do is press one of the item movement hotkeys (listed below) to transfer the chosen items from the active panel to the destination panel. If you use m to move an amount of an item, you will be prompted to input the amount you want to move.
Other functions
You can also mark items for auto-pickup using p or mark them as favorites using *.
? - Display keybindings
Selection hotkeys
Select items @ NW | Select items @ N | Select items @ NE |
7 | 8 | 9 |
Select items @ W | Select items @ Center | Select items @ E |
4 | 5 | 6 |
Select items @ SW | Select items @ S | Select items @ SE |
1 | 2 | 3 |
a/A - Select items @ all 9 fields
0/i/I - Select items in inventory
w/W - Select items currently worn
c/C - Select items in container
d/D - Select items in dragged container
v/V - Toggle vehicle (this allows you to select between adjacent vehicle storage or the items underneath it)
Sorting and filtering hotkeys
s/S - Change sorting mode
f/F or / - Filter
r/R - Reset filter
Item movement hotkeys
RETURN - Move a single item
m - Move an amount of an item
M - Move item stack
, - Move all items
Other hotkeys
p - Toggle auto-pickup for item
* - Toggle favorite for item